Tenun Dasar

Made by N by industrie id


The sun was very strong that day. As I sat outside nursing my coffee, I could feel the heat kissing my skin. What was I doing at Industrie Kitchen & Coffee during lunch time? I was invited to attend the Tenun Class held by livinglovingnet. Lost in thoughts, I wondered what made me decide to come? Perhaps it was the busy lifestyle that never ends in Jakarta, or the lack activities that the city has to offer, but I knew deep down that coming felt like the right choice. My daydreaming was cut short, as I saw a group of people walking, chattering the day away. As I stared at them walking ever so slowly into the cafe, a hand shortly tapped me and caught me by surprise, "Pak, acaranya akan dimulai sebentar lagi, silahkan masuk yah". I kindly thanked the waitress and rested my coffee down, took one last breath of fresh air and went in, the class was about to begin. Entering into the cafe, I felt like I was transferred back into an industrial age, with its rustic design and up-cycling products, far from Bintaro, I felt I was in an entirely new place.

Being the first to come to the event, I took a seat far from the main seating area, choosing to sit in private rather than with the group. Not entirely due to my anti-social esque tendencies, but rather because I knew how amazing the class would be and I wouldn't want to take that experience away from anyone by sitting up front. 

Hard at work

Hard at work
