Local Taste ID / by industrie id


Hello Foodies  We know it is August already, but its better late than never right ? July took us by the storm because the IND.USTRIE team collaborated with Local Taste ID into bringing fresh healthy food straight to your neighborhood malls. Located in Gandaria City, the committee whipped up  the commonly known BNI executive parking lot into a row of culinary experience. Ranging from desserts, nibbles, organic food to food trucks , IND.USTRIE was a part of  very well rounded bunch. 

We have met so many foodies and made so many new friends; not to mention we met some of the more famous vendors and foodbloggers *heart palpitations* star-struck moments. It was rather interesting ,as coinciding with the Ramadhan holy-month, a lot of the foodies that came by could not try our tester . But nevertheless once a foodie always a foodie, they all saved our food until buka time arrives . What is most heart warming is that people lined up on our booth even when it was after Buka time; We are so grateful for your love for us Foodies .



Especially for this event we created a contest  for all the foodographer out there. The competition calls for the most loved picture on our instagram page; and oh boy weren't you guys supportive . The winner of this competition were @nadiafit , @agnesjuliarti and @litafwike, Each person gets a special Eid Hamper delivered just for them in time for the Lebaran Holiday. Thank you for those who has participated.


Overall the Local Fest ID was a memorable experience, especially when on the last day our precinct were flooded by the extremely hard rain . We have loved seeing people from our previous events coming back and recommending our food to their friends; as well as making new friends with other tenants and other foodies . We think having all of our items sold out everyday we were there , is quite an achievement .

Stay Hungry Foodies 


P.s. We were featured on their video publication :D