Jakarta Cullinary Passport / by industrie id

These past few months we have been very busy from preparing our new line of sweets at the shop, through to our first interviews at a renown lifestyle magazines in Indonesia. One of the most exciting things to hit off the Mid Year madness is being invited to join The Jakarta Cullinary Passport - Grand Indonesia. We are so honored to have been placed amongst the best cullinary finds in Jakarta. Held yearly the Jakarta Cullinary Passport attracts more than 10.000 visitors each day it is opened. For only four days we were able to meet  the people behind our instagram likes and Facebooks thumbs up along with a bunch of famous faces and awesome foodies. Some of them are Ersa Mayori, Fitri Tropica, Alika,Thomas Djhorgi, Jovial Andalopez, @myfunfoodiary @jakartainfood @cnlulaby and a whole loads more. Being the new kid on the block was overwhelming as well as exhilarating , because you never know what to expect each day you are there. Thankfully all the neighbours are supportive and very friendly we could never ask for a better pilot event. As the crowd has spoken our Crispy Wontons are most sought after along with our Popcorn Chicken and to freshen up a selection of Indonesian Flavor Drinks IND.USTRIE Shake, Afrocado and Tropical Tea. Our proudest moment would have been the first time all of our items are sold out - which is not a stranger after the first day . We are grateful to have been entrusted in representing the Indonesian Street flavor, and We hope you have too. The IND.USTRIE TEAM cannot wait to see you at our next event!!
