Turning 17 / by industrie id

Age may just be another number,

But for a lot of cultures turning 17 is the right of passage to adulthood. This is the time when one becomes responsible of our actions, attain our first driving license ,graduate from high school and in certain cases become legal to a lot of things. For a girl it is their chance to tell the world that they are becoming a strong young woman, ready to take on this world. This April we had the privilege to meet one of the sweetest young lady and prepare her once in a life time celebration. Fitting with the vintage theme, it is out with the old in with the new. Ms Dhellya's  favorite colours are pink and blue, just like her beautiful dress that night,l our space was transformed into a little shabby chic stage. 

When the guests started to arrive you could feel the excitement level rising up in the room, also the amount of love and care that they have for the Birthday Girl. The climax of the event was when a compilation of videos from Ms. Dhellya's personal collections and messages from her closest friends played on the big screen. It was almost magical, as you were transported into her childhood memories and at that moment you just knew how precious her presence is in her family. It was an honour for us to be able to share that special moment with you . Happy Sweet 17th Ms. Dhellya.

Lots of love